Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Incredibles

Thesis:  The Incredibles are examples of transcendentalists because the superhero family are nonconformists and transcendentalism supports nonconformists in today's society.  

"When everyone's super, no one is."-Syndrome
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."-Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is an example of Individualism because it explains that people feel that they all have a special ability and when everyone has the same exact ability in common then no one is special and if you have an individual ability that only you have then it become a "superpower.

"I never look back darling.  It distracts from the now."-Edna "E" Mode
"Never look back unless you are planning to go that way."-Henry David Thoreau
This is an example of optimism because this quote is explaining that you always need to look ahead and not to dwell on the past because it can hold you back and slow you down in what may lie ahead of you.

"You always say to be true to yourself, but you never say what to be true to."-Buddy
"Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves."-Henry David Thoreau
This is an example of self-reliance because he's saying that you need to be true to yourself and figure out what part of you needs to true.

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